Dust Collection & Filtration
Designed for modular expansion, quick installation and longevity these products our proudly built in the USA. Our equipment offerings range from static systems for light dust loading to heavy dust loading dynamic systems with self-filter cleaning options and product reclamation. As with all Car-Mon solutions, the equipment is secondary, the focus is on the system design. Please contact us with your application.
Cyclone Collectors
The cyclone collector features no moving parts and is a maintenance-friendly and cost effective solution. The proven technology ensures that the particles collected are retained and that clean air is emitted. The cyclone collector can also be used as a pre-cleaner.
Self Cleaning Systems
Our Self cleaning systems offer cleanable cartridge filters that can either be automatically or manually cleaned. Featuring either electric motor shaker system or compressed air pulse-jet system, you can relax knowing your filters will last longer, reclaiming product from process.
- Cleanable Cartridge Filters
- Automatic or Manual Cleaning Options
- Automatic Options:
- Electric Motor Shaker System
- Compressed Air Pulse-Jet
- Longer Filter Life
- Reclaiming Product from Process
Portable Filtration Unit
Portable filtration units give you the flexibility and mobility you need! Choose from disposable filter or cleanable cartridge options.
- Disposable Filter
- Cleanable Cartridge
CMX Portable Filtration
A portable filter unit includes an exhaust arm for source capture, and allows movement to off table work locations. There is no installation required. It arrives preset from the factory with a simple flange connection to secure the exhaust arm. Using a double inlet double width belt drive fan, this unit is set for maximum performance.
- Stationary Units: Media filter units allow recirculation of filtered air within the facility. Stationary units may be ducted to source capture equipment, or may be non-ducted, free hung in the space. Available in several configurations and sizes